Mark Of Fear
The Mark of Fear is a very useful minor magic, especially early in the game. Your mages place a smear of iron dust in the shape of demonic horns, facing outward from the city. The mark is then imbued with the power to strike fear into the hearts of hostile visitors, driving up to 10 of them away before losing its charge. However, if a force larger than the remaining charges arrives at your city, the spell will immediately fail. Scouts & Spies are unaffected by this rune, as their intentions are not specifically hostile.

Rune Of Terror
The Rune of Terror is an upgrade to the Mark of Fear - a more powerful magic capable of driving away forces of up to 30 hostile units. Scouts & Spies are unaffected by this rune, as their intentions are not specifically hostile.Glyph Of HorrorThe Glyph of Horror is a powerful magic. When triggered it strikes madness and temporary insanity into the minds of up to 75 hostile units. Scouts & Spies are unaffected by this rune, as their intentions are not specifically hostile.

Ward of Insanity
Your most disturbed spellcasters have spent hours toiling to produce the most mind-numbing horrors imaginable to being or beast, and then encapsulated them in a symbol of Warding above your city gates, capable of driving away up to 300 units until expiring. Scouts & Spies are unaffected by this rune, as their intentions are not specifically hostile.

Mark of Slaying
The Mark of Slaying is cast under a dark moon, where the ritual sacrifice of an innocent beast imbues the rune with a terrifying power to instantly slay up to 5 of those whose intentions are hostile. Scouts & Spies are unaffected by this rune, as their intentions are not specifically hostile.

Death Rune
A more vicious version of the previous Mark, this Rune has the power to strike dead up to 20 hostile units at a stroke. Like all of the Slaying runes, this spell has charges that deplete with each use. Scouts & Spies are unaffected by this rune, as their intentions are not specifically hostile.

Killing Glyph
Demonstrating your mastery of the darker sides of the arcane, this spell takes the blood and screams of the slaughtered and transfers it into a Glyph as black as the night. This glyph will strike up to 75 units stone cold dead. Scouts & Spies are unaffected by this rune, as their intentions are not specifically hostile.

Ward of Destruction
When triggered, the ward of destruction smites foes with a great thunderclap, leaving up to 250 of their charred carcasses strewn outside your city gates. Scouts & Spies are unaffected by this rune, as their intentions are not specifically hostile.

Mark of Seeking
The Mark of Seeking is a slaying Mark that is imbued with the ability to discharge its deadly force on enemy diplomats arriving at your city with specific hostile intentions. Before you prepare the spell you must choose the target type that will activate it - scouts, spies, thieves, saboteurs or assassins. Due to the Mark's targeted nature, it carries more charges than the comparable Mark - capable of slaying 12 foes. Diplomats arriving of types that are not targeted by this mark are unaffected.

Seeking Rune
The Seeking Rune is a slaying Rune that is a more potent version of the Mark of Seeking, capable of striking dead 40 specific hostile diplomatic units that arrive at your city, before dissipating. Diplomats arriving of types that are not targeted by this Rune are unaffected.

Seeking Glyph
The Seeking Glyph is a slaying Glyph upgrade to the Seeking Rune, that seeks out specific hostile diplomatic intentions against your town. The Glyph can slay up to 130 units of a specific type before expiring. Diplomats arriving of types that are not targeted by this Glyph are unaffected.

Ward of Intentions
The Ward of Intentions is the final slaying Ward that is imbued with the ability to discharge its deadly force on enemy diplomats with specific hostile intentions. It's power is strong and defensive; capable of striking dead up to 400 specifically targeted hostile diplomats arriving at your town, before losing its force. Diplomats arriving of types that are not targeted by this Ward are unaffected.