Illyriad's Bestiary
The wilds of Illyria are filled with all sorts of creatures for players to discover and battle for the more brave of heart. Below is a sampling of creatures discovered throughout various tournaments in Illyriad.
Continue to explore and who knows what you may find?




NPC Encounter Group Sizes
Size | Min | Max |
A Few | 1 | 3 |
A Handful | 4 | 8 |
Several | 9 | 21 |
A Pack | 22 | 81 |
Many | 82 | 128 |
A Gathering | 129 | 227 |
A Horde | 228 | 462 |
A Throng | 463 | 815 |
A Host | 816 | 2,500 |
A Legion | 2,501 | 9,999 |
A Myriad | 10,000 | 24,999 |
A Sea | 25,000 | 49,999 |
A Cornucopia | 50,000+ |