Illyriad is proud to introduce the Player Spotlight program, designed to recognize outstanding members of the Illyriad community. These players go above and beyond to help make Illyriad a better game through their actions. They may be those who participate in our forums and provide excellent feedback, run player events, lead great alliances in game, run fansites or blogs about Illyriad, maintain player-created game guides, celebrate Illyriad in social media.... or any other outstanding participation as a community leader.
Once a player is chosen for the Player Spotlight program by the Illyriad development team, that player will get the opportunity to do an interview about their background and experiences playing Illyriad for the dev blog and will receive their choice of t-shirt from the Illyriad store.
If you know someone who you think has been an outstanding member of the Illyriad community that you’d like to nominate for a Player Spotlight, send an email to Make sure to include examples of their participation and why you think they’d be a great choice.
Visit our dev blog to see interviews with all of our Spotlight players.